Thursday, July 29, 2010


Our Team loading onto Ghost Rider with our trophies!....Notice the rainbow brightening up the gray skies in the background!

Our team and families met to welcome our advisors and cars home!

For the 2010 Hunt-Winston Solar Challenge, Sundancer and Sundancer II collectively won nine day trophies and two first place trophies for the entire race!!

Even though our team flew home Tuesday, July 27, our team advisers drove all the way home from Boulder, Colorado! We met them today at the edge of town and rode Ghost Rider through Houston with our trophies and our American flag we bring to each year's race!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pictures from Race!!

Sundancer II starting the Hunt-Winston Solar Challenge!

After completing day one, the Houston Lady Racers had to replenish their charge!

Sundancer pulling into Snyder, TX, our stop for the night!

The guys showing off their first place trophy while waiting to start day two!

Suzy Reese posing with sunflowers

Our team having a little fun while visiting the Cadillac Ranch!

The guys pretending to have a breakdown as the worried Houston Lady Racers zoom by!

Elise Mobley and Sydney Harrell trying to keep warm in the cool Amarillo, TX, winds!

Nolen Hood playing jump rope!

The guys goofing off during a rest stop!

Elise Mobley and Dr. Mobley preparing a much needed lunch for our team!

While in Garden City, we were treated to this gorgeous Kansas sunset!

Sundancer II speeding down the road!

Sundancer passing a livestock farm....I'm sure whoever was driving enjoyed the smell

The Houston Lady Racers posing with their first place trophy for day seven!
Will Turman and Hunter Powell also posing with the guys first place trophy for day seven!

Our team throwing our hats in the air in celebration of finishing the race!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sundancer I and II Win First!!

Our team is extremely excited to announce that we have won the Hunt-Winston Solar Challenge in both the classic and open divisions!! Sundancer won with a total of 829 miles and Sundancer II won with 749 miles!! Thank you to all of our sponsors and everyone who believed in our team! We would not be where we are today without the support of our community!

Day Eight!

Sundancer II approaching the finish line!!!

While racing we make an effort to not shade our array, but in celebration of finishing the race our entire girls' team joined in to start shading!

The Houston Lady Racers loading Sudancer II for the final time!

We finally reached Boulder, CO on the eighth and final day of the Hunt-Winston Solar Challenge! Sundancer and Sundancer II both recieved first place trophies for this day and were also the top five who finished day eight first!! It was bitter sweet for the race to end because we will miss our fellow racers and also the race staff that works so hard to make all of this possible!

Day Seven!

Dr. Marks starting off the day with the daily drivers' meeting!

Elise Mobley taking a trip back in time at a museum in Limon, CO!

The girls positioning Sundaner II to start charging for day eight!

The Houston Lady Racers loading Sundancer II!

Adam Chandler posing with Nolen Hood!

Clay McNutt taking a nap in Sundancer!

Even though the sun shined each race days one through six, our luck changed on day seven with overcast skies and a little rain. We had a 180 mile day stretching from Garden City, KS, to Limon, CO, ahead of us with no sun! Even through the great challenge we were presented both Sundancer and Sundancer II recieved first place trophies for day seven!!

Day Six!

The guys changing Sundancer's back tire before starting the race!
The Houston Lady Racers washing Sundancer II's array before starting the race to Garden City, KS!

Our team decided to make a trip to IHOP for a late night snack and we would like to thank these people for paying for our meal!

The guys taking time to goof off and play jump rope!!

With the race already crossing two states, we finished day six in Garden City, KS! We would like to thank everyone involved in preparing the wonderful BBQ for us. It was much appreciated after a hard day of racing! Sundancer came in first for day six and Sundancer II came in second!

Day Five!

Reagan Byrne adding air in Sundancer II's back tire!

The guys getting Sundancer II ready to race!

Day Five started in Amarillo, TX, and we raced to Guyman, OK! Sundancer recieved first place and Sundancer II came in second!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rest Day!

On day four our team received a much needed rest day! We spent part of the day touring the Palo Duro Canyon and then went to the science center to educate visitors on solar car racing and also about our cars!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day Three!

Doctor Marks starting off the Drivers' Meeting by giving a few notices and congratulating all of the teams for making it to day three before announces day two's race results!

Jay Alford, Nolen Hood, and Hunter Powell presenting Sundancer's
first place trophy to Fred Varian!

Suzy Reese oiling Sundancer II's bearings before taking the car to the starting line!

Our team posing with St. Thomas Academy from Minnesota while making a stop at the Cadillac Ranch!

Jay Alford spray painting his name on one of the cars while visiting the Cadillac Ranch!

Suzy Reese and Sydney Harrell sitting on top of one of the Cadillacs!

Reagan Byrne trying to cover Mrs. Ellison's face in oil from the tires!

Our team having a our daily meeting after pulling into Amarillo!

We are on our third day of the racing and are spending our next two nights in Amarillo, TX! Tomorrow will be a rest day for all of the teams, our team is super excited to be able to sleep in for the first time since the race started! While on the road today, the guys decided it would be funny to make the girls believe something major had happened to Sundancer! As the girls were racing down the road, they noticed the guys on the side of the road holding fire extinguishers. One member's arm was wrapped in a bandage! Of course we imagined the worst! At the next rest stop, the guys explained that it was just a joke and that Sundancer was still running smoothly!

Day Two!!

The guys prepping their car before starting day two of the race!

The girls having their daily prayer session before starting the race!

While taking a two hour rest stop at Texas Tech University, our team got to meet a group of kids from a science camp who came out to see all of the cars!

Hunter Powell talking to one of the judges about how our day went!

The girls posing with Texas Tech's mascot!

The guys using Sundancer as a shade while resting from the day's race!

Littlefield, TX, native Jasper Collins smiling for our cameras while in the Houston Lady Racers' car!

The girls securing Sundancer II before going to the hotel to rest up for day three!!

On day two we raced from Snyder, TX, to Littlefield, Tx! Sundancer finished all of their 114 race miles and finished in first place, and Sundancer II finished in second place! While on the road the Houston Lady Racers chase vehicle broke down and we would like to thank Fred Varian,the race's EMT and security, for staying out until midnight to help us fix our truck!