Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Last Day of Racing

The team has done amazing. We broke our driving record with a total of 791.9 miles. We had a very long trip that started and ended with a bang. Thank you to every one who helped support and encouraged us; we could not have done it with out you all. A special thanks to all the team members for making this the most successful year.
Zack Mixon and Jacob Bridgman pulling the car to the start line.

We gave our trophy to Walnut for all their hard work and dedication.

We are finally in L.A.

Sundancer driving with L.A. in the horizon.

Sundancer was in a movie.

Crossing the finish line.

The team celebrates the win!

BB signing all the hats at the end of the race.

Zack, Allyson, and Jacob acting like goof balls.

The team celebrates the win by throwing off the hats.

Sundancer being taken to the trailer for the last time of the race.

Trey Franklin and Kristen Black doing an interview with the local news.

Kristen and Trey bouncing on the trailer to see how much it can hold.

Jacob and Trey loading the car for the last time.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day Seven of Rancing

The team had a very successful day today breaking our own record by completing more miles than ever before. We learned a lot about team work and are ready to conquer the last day tomorrow. We are so happy to be doing so well. The team can not believe that the race is coming to and end and that we will be home in a few days.
Trey Franklin and Kristen Marsh clean the array after riding through the desert.

Andi Houser giving the day's trophy to Grosse Point for all their hard work and dedication.

Mrs. Turman drives through town with lunch all on the dash trying to find the team.

Finally in the last state of the race.

Leaving our mark in California!

Sundancer arriving at impound in Twentynine Palms!

The team sets the car up for display for the community.

Charlsi Allen, Trey Franklin, and Kristen Black drinking water after the long hot day in the desert.

The team poses with the car after completing 193.8 miles.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day Six of Racing

For the sixth day of the Solar Car Challenge, our team decided to take it easy and allow some of the younger members to get some experience driving the car during a race. We completed all of the available driving miles today, and we had a really fun time.
Jacob Bridgman getting the car out of the trailer for the easy day of racing ahead.
We gave Liberty Christian our trophy because we have bonded with them and we felt that they deserve it for all of their hard work.

Charlsi Allen and Kristen Black discuss the car.

Daniel Worthey and Jacob changing out the shock.

Sundancer driving along the during the race.

The news anchor from Channel Twelve  sat in the car to see how cramped it was.

We pulled over to avoid a willy-willy.

Driving through the desert mountains.

Charlsi got to drive the last leg of the day.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day Five of Racing

Today was a very early start, we left the hotel at 4:30 to get to the starting line. The car drove all possible miles today. Along the way we had lunch at 9:00 in the grass with some ants. We have made some very good friends, learned how to work together, and had fun.

The team works together to load the car on the trailer.

The girls sit in the grass for a picnic lunch.

Jacob Bridgman can't help but be a little kid.

Allyson Taylor, Jacob Bridgman, and Zack Mixon unload the car for display.

Sundancer with the beautiful desert.

Putting the car on display for the community.

Allyson unhitching the trailer from big red.

Friends from Liberty Christian helping us load our car this afternoon.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Rest Day

The teams displayed the car in El Paso all day today for a much needed rest. We split up and went in shifts to make the day go smoother and to prepare for the long day tomorrow. The race starts at 5:00 in the morning and we have a long day ahead.
Charlsi Allen and Trey Franklin accepting the trophy for yesterday's race.

Sundancer next to a Model A Ford.

We displayed on our rest day to the El Paso community.

The team getting some much needed rest.

Day Three of Racing

This morning the team woke up all smiles. The team got the car set up and charging, and then checked to make sure the car was race ready. The car drove all 101.1 miles through the mountains.   With no where to stop for lunch except the Road Kill CafĂ©, we got grilled cheese sandwiches and 
 ate on the side of the road. The team hopes that the car continues to run like it has been the entire race and the weather stays nice.

The team is awake and ready to start the day.

Kristen Marsh, Trey Franklin, and Allyson Taylor putting the car in the best charging spot.

Allyson cleans the array after the long day yesterday.

Allyson and Kristen Black plugging in the accessory battery.

Jacob Bridgman and Allyson accept the first place trophy for yesterday's race.

The New Mexico state police gave every one a bag full of free goodies.


We had to let every one know his name so we duck taped it to his back.

Kristen, Charlsi, and Allyson cuddled in a blanket also known as "the bird" to stay warm in the cool morning air.

New Mexico state police admiring our car.

Sundancer driving through the Guadalupe Mountain today like it was no big deal. 

We get tons of onlookers as we drive down the road.