Saturday, July 14, 2012

The girls studying for scrutineering....hmm I wonder where the boys are?!

Murphy's Law strikes again breaking Sundancer's front axle.

I'm not sure who she was looking at, but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that look! 

Jacob Bridgman and Chase Eldridge keeping watch over the boys fixing the axle.  What do y'all think about their new socks?!

Mr. Reese giving the newly fixed axle his seal of approval!

Our new invention: A bungee chord and paper towel holder!

The boys reloading our generator onto big red!

Fixing the tires for scrutineering.

The team working to get everything race ready!

Daniel Worthey and Trey Franklin getting a tool from our newly organized  table.

Tyler Wilson and Jacob Bridgman cleaning their brakes.

Get those out of my face!

The girls new seat. Isn't it cute?

Daniel Worthey and Trey Franklin filing a piece of metal for the car.

Jacob Bridgman taking a break from the sun to get an ice cold water!

Tyler Wilson makes sure he won't get dehydrated.

Clay McNutt and Nick Callahan organizing the supplies to take to the Speedway.

With scruitineering starting in a few hours, we are all working hard to get everything ready.  Bad luck struck again with Sundancer's front axle but with teamwork and focus it was repaired in under three hours. Our cars are ready for scruitineering and can't wait to get the clear to begin racing. The official race will be begin Monday afternoon and end Thursday. We are excited about starting the race and would like to thank everyone who has gotten us here!               THANK Y'ALL!

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